Thursday, April 14, 2011

Obama vs. Birthers: Where is his Birth Certificate?

Smoke and mirrors here people .... If i can make you believe that he is an outsider not like us you may now what to vote for him again? 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Behave in a way that is intended to impress or mislead others = POSTURING

[Associated Press] 
"What is more, it turns out that many of the cuts officially unveiled on Tuesday are illusory. Almost $18 billion — just less than half — involve simply mopping up pools of unused money spread across the budget. While still counting as cuts, the money from those pools can be used to shore up day-to-day agency budgets and other programs like health research. Admittedly, those cuts don't reduce the deficit.
There's a huge chunk of money here that is ... spending that wasn't about to go out the door, so the impact is going to be smaller than we anticipated based on what the purported size of the cuts were,' said Democratic budget expert Scott Lilly of the left-leaning Center for American Progress."
The bill is just the first round. Republicans are moving to pass a broader budget plan this Friday that calls for cuts across the budget — including Medicare and Medicaid — and a deeper round of cuts to apply to the agency budgets covered in the pending bill covering the next six months of government spending. 
In the next round, it will be more difficult to protect programs like heating aid for the poor and subsidies for money-losing air travel to rural airports. But plenty of lawmakers and interest groups will try.
Like I said before, politics is about the appearance of doing something when nothing has actually been done. The next round of cuts will impact none other than the working class poor, i.e minorities. Isn't that something?  In order to make the economy work, Republican's foolishly believe, we should give tax cuts to the top 1% of American's, who control 40% of the  country's wealth. However, when it's time to tighten our belt the most needy, minorities, who are impacted. Wouldn't it make sense that if we provided jobs and better pay they would be less dependent upon the government assistance. 

In the poll, those surveyed: [USA TODAY]
• Are split over whether there should be significant additional cuts in domestic spending: 47% say no, 45% yes. On this issue, there is a yawning divide between the parties.Democrats by 2-to-1 oppose more cuts; Republicans by 2-to-1 support them.
• Overwhelmingly oppose making major changes to Medicare. By 2-to-1, they support minor changes or none at all to control costs, rather than major changes or a complete overhaul. Even a third of Republicans say the government should not try to control the costs of Medicare.
• Favor imposing higher taxes on families with household incomes of $250,000 and above, as Obama has endorsed: 59% support the idea, 37% oppose it.
Still, the divide on the issue could make Republicans less likely to compromise on it. While 78% of Democrats favor higher taxes on top earners, 60% of Republicans oppose it.
The survey of 1,004 adults, taken Monday, has a margin of error of +/- 4 percentage points.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

March 2011: State of Unemployment for Minorities:

Overall Unemployment Blacks: 15.5%
Overall Latino Unemployment: 11.3%
Overall White Unemployment: 7.9%
National Unemployment: 8.8%
Black Men   16.8%      15.4%...03/2010*
 White Men    7.8%        8.0%
Black Women   12.5%     9.9%...03/2010*
 White Women    6.9%     6.5%
Black Teens    42.1%    32.5%...03/2010*
 White Teens   21.6%     20.%
Under-Employment rate for March was 15.7% --

Long term Unemployed: 6.1%


* What a difference a year makes, right?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Noteworthy: In the news Today- What's going on in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin Governor  Scott Walker

Just in his mid-20s, Brian Deschane has no college degree, very little management experience and two drunken-driving convictions.
Yet he has landed an $81,500-per-year job in Gov. Scott Walker’s administration overseeing environmental and regulatory matters and dozens of employees at the Department of Commerce. Even though Walker says the state is broke and public employees are overpaid, Deschane already has earned a promotion and a 26% pay raise in just two months with the state.
How did Deschane score his plum assignment with the Walker team?
It’s all in the family.
His father is Jerry Deschane, executive vice president and longtime lobbyist for the Madison-based Wisconsin Builders Association, which bet big on Walker during last year’s governor’s race.

Obama Reelection video

it's on...

I may not necessarily agree with the way he politics but for minorities it would be far worse under any Republican...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Sean Duffy's not living in the Real World- on $174k-Part 2

For real?    TPM did selective editing....

Hey, doesn't this sound a lot like what Michelle Bachmann says when she gets called on her selective  rewriting of American history?

So, pay attention boys and girls... TPM did one better, they posted the whole boring video on it's website, LOL,  where he twist the facts around his Republican beliefs. So, if pretty boy was hoping that this would all go away, now more people will check out the video. This is why they say "silence is golden." 

I just watched the video again. At the beginning of the conversation as the the Wisconsin constituent is questioning his pay... he first says..  "I called for a .05% cut in Congressional pay." Which in essence he is saying the pay is high.  However, what does a .05% cut on $174k equates to $8,700.00. Pretty boy's take home pay is still is $165,300.00, four[4] times more than  the  average  household income in Wisconsin,  which is $39k.

Then pretty boy says... "I have only been there 6 weeks,"  yeah we know. What I take from that comment is, "I had nothing to do with it."  Then while the constituent is in utter shock, pretty boy says what anyone in Politics 101 knows,  don't ever, ever attempt to justify your pay by claiming that you have more debt than anyone else. Especially during a recession, hello. Then injury to insult you go on to talk about your six[6] kids and complain about how bad the Federal Governments health insurance is. For real?

The more I hear about this story the more in-raged I become, why?  Pretty boy still has a job, still has his home, still has his wife and kids all under one roof, still has health insurance and is able to pay his bills.  However, there are 13 million people who are doing amazing juggling acts to keep the lights on, stay in their homes and praying to GOD that they or a loved one does not get sick. And people, a lot of those doing the juggling are minorities, so fuck him!

Voters want to believe that you are like them, when you start talking about your pay it immediately puts distance between you and the very people you are depending upon to keep you in office.  Good luck on re election. 

Indecision 2012-Base Race: Enjoy

Bachmann, Cain & Gingrich

"How can a secular Atheist country be dominated by religious extremists? What, do they pray five times a day to a God they don't believe exists?"