Thursday, August 18, 2011

We're getting tired y'all, we're getting tired,... our people are hurting!!!!

the unemployment is unconscionable...
we don't know what the strategy is...we don't know why on this this trip he is on, in the United States now, why he isn't in any Black communities... we don't know that...

  • Rep. Maxine Waters urges Obama to fight harder against tea party
  • Waters says black lawmakers don't criticize Obama for fear of losing voter support
  • "If we go after the president too hard, you are going after us," Waters says

Noteworthy: In the news Today

If you have not had a change to check out the hate Crime story in the corner here is some additional commentary on the story.

Charlie Braxton: Another Mississippi Murder: What The Killing Of James C. Anderson Teaches Us:

The vicious killing of James Anderson is but another name on a long list of racially motivated deaths (including Emmit Till, Medger Evers, Vernon Dahmer and Mack Charles Parker) that took place in the Great State of Mississippi. James Craig Anderson's death should remind us that racism is still alive and well not just in Mississippi but all over. As my grandmother used to say, "You can change signs overnight, you can change laws overnight, but you can't change people's hearts overnight." There are White people who secretly feel the exact same way Dedmon and his friends feel about African-Americans and people of color.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Jobs issue number one on campaign trail- Obama Talks Jobs!!

Finally, talking about jobs!!! 

1-Payroll tax in December 2011
2- Tax breaks for Businesses- Renew for 2012
3- Trade deals with Korea, Columbia, and Panama- 10K jobs!

  •  Instilling Confidence that our "Fiscal House" is in order.
  •  Believes that Infrastructure, and Tax policy changes- could make a difference in creating jobs right now!!!

Warren Buffet- begging to be taxed more?

Even Warren Buffet thinks he should be taxed more!  So why won't the Republican's tax the the top 1%? The super rich contribute to their re-election campaign coffers and they don't want to piss them off... sad but true. 

when you have a deficit, in the middle of a recession, you need to generate more cash, how? Raise taxes, change tax codes...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

In Depth-Minority In America- CNN Reports

Just to get Unemployment down to 8% we would need to add 250, 000 jobs every month for the next 18 Months!!!!

Keep in mind that the election is less than 16 months away....

July 2011: State of Unemployment for Minorities

Overall Unemployment Blacks: 15.9%
Overall Latino Unemployment: 11.3%
Overall White Unemployment: 8.1%
National Unemployment: 9.1%
Black Men   17.0%      16.7%...07/2010*
 White Men    7.9%        8.8%
Black Women   13.4%     12.9%...07/2010*
 White Women    7.0%     7.1%
Black Teens    39.2%    40.6%...07/2010*
 White Teens   23.0%     23.5%
Under-Employment rate for June 2011 was 16.1% --

Long term Unemployed: 6.2 Million
Total Unemployed: 13.9 Million


* What a difference a year makes, right?

June 2011: State of Unemployment for Minorities

Overall Unemployment Blacks: 16.2%
Overall Latino Unemployment: 11.6%
Overall White Unemployment: 8.1%
National Unemployment: 9.2%
Black Men   17.0%      17.4%...06/2010*
 White Men    8.1%        8.9%
Black Women   13.8%     11.8%...06/2010*
 White Women    7.1%     7.1%
Black Teens    39.9%    39.9%...06/2010*
 White Teens   21.8%     23.2%
Under-Employment rate for May 2011 was 16.2% --

Long term Unemployed: 6.3 Million
Total Unemployed: 14.1 Million


* What a difference a year makes, right?