Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wake Up!!! A message from President Clinton:

Clinton said his side shares blame for the gridlock in Washington, but predicted that enough Democrats would be willing to reform some of their cherished programs for the sake of making progress. He also said voters share blame for political gridlock because they elected the Tea Party-backed freshmen who ran promising to avoid compromise.
"They go around telling everybody how sorry these politicians are, and they voted for them," Clinton said, noting that the freshman members of Congress are likely confused by their record-low approval ratings. "They must be bewildered. All they're doing is what they promised to do when they won that overwhelming victory. It is not like they did not tell everybody what they were going to do."
Still, Clinton argued that the nation needs an approach that values two sides coming together, rather than one that attempts to pull everyone to one side. Mourdock, for example, has said he believes the country is as divided as it was before the Civil War.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hmmm... I want my Money Back...LOL

"I feel that I no longer wish to support your presidential campaign and ask you that you please return the maximum contribution that I gave to you last year," Bill White wrote in a letter to Romney, according to a report by CNN. "You have chosen to be on the wrong side of history and I do not support your run for president any longer."
White, a registered independent who runs a New York-based consulting firm, had given $2,500 to the Romney campaign.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Carville: Wake up Democrats; you could lose

You can shoot five Bin Ladens, you can save 10,000 banks and 20 car companies, even pass the most sweeping legislation in modern American history; if people don't think that you are connected to their lives and are fighting for their interests they will vote your tush out of office in a nano-second. 

For historical reference see Winston Churchill election of 1945 and President George H.W. Bush in 1992.

So, fellow Democrats -- we've got a fight on our hands. We've got to fight in the same way that the people we care most about have fought for quite some time. 

They have been crushed by high health care costs, soaring education costs, stagnant wages and financial bailouts for irresponsible firms.
Combine all of this with the fact that the Republicans are raising not millions, not tens of millions, but potentially hundreds of millions of dollars from the pollution industry as result of Citizens United v. FEC.

Friday, May 4, 2012

WTF: I'll suck your dick.... and Fuck you!!!

Nugent exploded, "I'm an extremely loving and passionate man, and people who investigate me honestly, without the baggage of political correctness, ascertain the conclusion that I'm a damned nice guy ... and if you can find a screening process more powerful than that, I'll s*ck your d**k."

Nugent then turned to Glor's female producer and said, "Or I'll f**k you, how's that sound?"

Nice choice in Support Mitt...LOL