Thursday, October 1, 2009

Health Care and Abortions?

I don't want to get these two topics twisted together because they are separate. The health care debate is about the Millions of minorities that do not have access to health care. This is not about African American women that have abortions. The previous blog points out an important concern that African American women need to look at in our community. I am pro-choice on this issue and I think that a woman has the right to do with her body what she wants.

The great thing about statics and numbers is that anyone can use it to their advantage. Example, Presdient Obama's numbers just came out and said that 56% agreed with the way he was handling the economy and 40% disagreed. So, the Democrats could say almost 60% of Americans agree with what he is doing. And the Republicans could say that almost 50% disagee with the way the President is handling the economy. Both statements are true.

However, the devil is always in the details. My colleague's post does not say WHY these women are having abortions. When you look at the current state of African Americans, having a child out of wedlock may not be the best thing. But, this is a family values issue, sex safe issue and the prevention of HIV in African American women. Yes, the FAMILY has broken down considerably in our community and this is valid point and the conversation should be directed in that direction.

As we exam our politics it is essential that we exam ourselves. I hear many of our people say that there are no more excuses on why WE cannot do, and achieve anything we want now that we have a Black President.

"If you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make a change..."

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