Thursday, June 24, 2010

Why Obama had to fire Gen. McChrystal

Politics is a funny game. In which one must always be aware of danger. Everyone, well almost everyone, would agree that the President has his hands full. To list everything here would fill up this blog. There is an old adage, "be careful what you wish for," comes to mind. Obama wanted this job so bad, however he is constantly tripping over himself with one political blunder after another.

Obama is a shrewd politician, more strategic then media savvy. The magic for this President happens behind the scenes which can sometimes convey the wrong message. The BP mess was something that he was on top of, despite the appearance the White House portrayed. America is exhausted of the behind the scenes President. American's want a up in your face President. Tell me what your going to do about this? When will this happen? How long will this take? Ok now go get this done, then come back with the next set of problems you promise to tackle.

Business leaderships is defined as: the capacity to establish direction and to influence and align others toward a common goal, motivating and committing them to action and making them responsible for their performance.

The mis-steps that keep happening are things that most political scientist majors know; Command the issue, get out in front of the problem and always keep your pulse on the public sentiment. Obama has been drinking his own Kool-Aid. The assumption that he would be able to move from the senate to the White House and everyone would just fall in line and follow his lead is just plain stupid thinking. The Republicans have managed to make this President look like a political novice and the BP mess is now bearing fruit.

When 9/11 happen Bush needed to do something that would give the impression that he was in charge, that he was the leader of the free world. So, an opportunity to go to war in Afghanistan and attack al qaeda then Iraq gave that perception.

With the Health Care debacle you would think that Obama would have been a little quicker on the uptake. Obama was a professor, I can only imagine what kind of nightmare that was for students and supporting staff. It is my understanding that Obama is a big delagator. Delegation is good with the appropriate amount of follow-up.

The Rolling Stone interview manage to do several things:
1- undermine the President
2- Questions the people he appoints to important positions
3- Exit strategy for July 2011 from Afghanistan
4- is the plan working? what is the plan?

Gen. McChrystal was a lose cannon from the start, clearly the article makes that point crystal clear. One cannot help but think why was this guy drinking and speaking so freely, clearly he had an agenda about why he was telling this writer these things.

Obama had no choice, Gen. McChrystal forced his hand. Obama needed to show leadership in a big way, and it needed to be fast and swift.

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