Sunday, February 20, 2011

It's the ECONOMY stupid-II

"It's the economy, stupid" was a phrase in American politics widely used during Bill Clinton's successful 1992 presidential campaign against George H. W. Bush. For a time, Bush was considered unbeatable because of foreign policy developments such as the end of the Cold War and the Persian Gulf War. The phrase, made popular by Clinton campaign strategist James Carville, refers to the notion that Clinton was a better choice because Bush had not adequately addressed the economy, which had recently undergone a recession.

The 112th Congress is off with a bang.  The Political goal?  Do what ever you have to do to keep the economy right where it's at. Keep the American people,  the 13.9 million that are still unemployed, right where they are at, home. When I  say the 112th congress, I should narrow that a bit, I mean those of the  Republican party.  

The Mid-term elections are  but three- months in our rear view mirror and some have already forgotten lesson learned from that election cycle and  previous mid-term elections.  If the Republicans get to cocky, by over reaching, they could very well lose the Presdential bid for 2012, which would send them further into insanity. 

The Republican rhetoric of fear, which is no where close to the reality of the facts. The cure for deficit spending some how means cutting taxes? Not sure what language they are speaking, but you only have  "deficit spending"  when you have not taken in enough taxes.   I am always surprised to see these former lawyers, doctors, and even business  owners suffering from delusions that the deficit spending suddenly  twisted out of control after those foolish Americans elected Obama to office. Knowing full well that a majority of the deficit is from funding two war's that which went unpaid for, Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and changes made to the medicare that also went unpaid for, all of which was lead by a Republican congress; these are the facts!  The current Republican leaders are directly responsible for this deficit.   This was a problem way before Obama even thought about running for office. 

In January 2011, things started off much with a bang, no pun intended.  The unfortunately events in Arizona, changed the tone for a couple for weeks.  The rhetoric was lowered to a still audible levels, but the actions  of the Republicans were crystal clear.   Get it on the record that they attempted to get the Health-care law repealed. They know that they don't have a snowball change in hell of getting this done, but that's not the point, if you tired you can move on.  Politics of late has come down to the appearance of getting things done when nothing is being actually done.  

What would the impact be on African-Americans if the health care law was to be repealed? And ultimately, how does that impact this economy? 

1 in 5 African-Americans do not have health insurance, this is the highest among all minority groups.   The Affordable Care Act will hopefully end discrimination by insurance companies. New provisions that would go in affect in 2014 would prevent insurers from turning away African-Americans' with pre-existing conditions. This law also helps African-American communities by bringing doctors, nurses and placing thousands of new primary care providers to chronically under-served  areas. This new law supplies billions of dollars that would go to local health care centers, that would most likely continue to be underfunded. Who does that impact?  A quarter of those community center patients are African-Americans. The Affordable Care Act promotes a healthy lifestyle training that could  limit obesity that disproportionately affects African-Americans, especially children. 

The new health care law also gives businesses protection from explosive increasing health insurance cost. Small Business would get a tax cut to offer coverage to their employees; estimates suggest that there are close to  70, 000 African-American small business owners. This would help their businesses and help the community two-fold by providing jobs and saving lives. If the repeal was to happen in was cut off the access to needed preventive care that millions of African-Americans need;  Mortality rates for cancer is the highest amongst African-Americans. The Affordable care Act would provide for free, preventive screening for mammograms and colonoscopies, that normally would be covered under current health care polices.  some of the four million African-American seniors could also receive a  $250 check once they hit the "donut hole" gap in medicare prescription drug coverage.

Healthy people live productive lives, not sick people. Its quite simple, lower cost for individuals means better lives, tax-incentives for business owners means  more jobs and all these things increase and help our economy.  

The Republicans want to keep this fear alive that "Obama-care" will make your life worse. They have obviously never suffered from any medical crisis in their lives.

But what does all this negativity really do to the economy?  It keeps people in a constant state of fear. Fearful that things are not getting better. The end result, people believe that things are getting worse and stop spending. However, when things are working it shows, look what happen in December 2010,  all that "working together"in congress  during the lame duck session, actually helped the economy. Americans spending  increased thus, unemployment dropped. The perception was that things were getting done, congressional  members were working together.

That's good right?

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