Saturday, March 12, 2011

Obama finally talks about Gas prices...

Obama finally addresses the increasing gas prices after prices have increased .41 cents more than last month.  Economist have calculated that this is $41 Billion that has been spent on gas instead of in the economy.  My problem, once again, is that the President appears to behind the curve instead of in front of the curve. If what he believes was so simple that they would just tap the reserves, why didn't he say that last week, two weeks ago?  

I love it when the President sends "his people" out to address these concerns, they all do.  Their professional opinion really doesn't help. It always sounds like a bunch of rich people, saying "we need to wait and see what happens," "we are not going to respond yet."  It rubs me that wrong way, why? Because I know that there are working families that don't have the extra money to pay at the pump. Working families, that if they had extra funds would maybe put more food on the table, pay down some incurred expense. I know that this is not a concern the talking heads confront everyday, they have extra funds to handle theses increases, most Americans do not.  Furthermore, this argument that the tax-cuts, that were approved in December, will off set that increase, this logic falls on deaf ears.  Any slow down in this economy means more or less that another minority may not get a job.  From all appearances it really does look like the economy has turned the corner. However, any slow down or even the appearance of a drag on the economy means that those 13.7 million unemployed may not secure a job. Unfortunately,  I need, we need, some assurances that we are really turning the corner. 

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