Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Priming and Framing of a Murder

I remember in College when we talked about Priming and Framing an issue or in this case a story.  The objective is to take a set of facts or pieces of the facts and change them to make your side on a situation understandable. It happens everyday in politics.  Have no doubt in your mind that politics is at play here a whole Police Department is under fire on the way they handled this case and now instead of making the necessary changes to correct the wrong they have done they have decided to instead paint or frame the victim as a drug user and was suspended from High School. Which of course plays in to the misperception that all black's are drug users and thugs.  These scenario's get played out in rape cases as well, when the victim goes on stand they then drag over her entire sexual pass with the intentions of creating some-kind of perception that the victim was promiscuous and  had it coming, look at their past. It has been often said that past is a predictor to future behavior. But a victim is a victim.

As this story picks up heat and national attention the Police Department needs to some how justify their behavior. After thirty days a new witness comes out and said that he heard Zimmerman scream out, but then said he went back in and ran upstairs or some bullshit. He also said that he was afraid to go on camera and speak. Everyone has an agenda.  People often speak out or speak up out of, sometimes, their  own self interest. This witness may very well be speaking out because he wrongly believes Zimmerman is being persecuted in the media, he dis-likes African Americans or has been accused of something that they did wrong and it still pains them. Whatever, the reason for him speaking out now concerns me.  

When this story broke on a national level the story has began to change and you see Zimmerman's lawyer get on TV and make statements that don't make sense. The greatest trick is to find a person of the same race to speak out in support of the accuser. This again happens in rape cases when a woman attorney will represent the accuser to some how make the accused racist appear safe to woman jurors. These are all tricks. The black friend who appeared on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 last night didn't really provide any new details he was basically co-signing on everything Anderson Cooper asked him, when pressed to provide an explanation for his behavior or any new revelation that could be added to the story he had nothing. What was new? He was, he was African-American and this is suppose to speak volumes to viewers.  Zimmerman could not be a racist, see I am here to speak for him, I am black. I could not help but scream at the TV, Why are you here?

The smoking gun in this situation, this tragedy is that Trayvon was on the phone with his girlfriend and she heard everything that happen. A key part of that witnesses statement is that Trayvon said he lost him, Zimmerman and later says that he was behind him again.  This completely goes against the statements made in the police statement by Zimmerman that he was going back to his truck.

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